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Pick the Right Time for a Body Lift

Houston Plastic Surgeon By Dr. Paul Vitenas, Jr.

A Body Lift can provide fabulous results for almost anybody. The catch is, not just anytime is right for a Body Lift.

It is easy to get excited at the prospect of a tight, sculpted figure. A Body Lift will eliminate the unsightly, lax skin left hanging after a massive weight loss; restoring a healthy, beautiful form. The procedure is not magic, however. To fully enjoy the results from a Body Lift for years to come, it is important to commit to the procedure at the right time.

    1. The Right Stage in Your Life.

    Maturity can play an important role in assuring satisfying results after a Body Lift. It is important, especially after a massive weight loss, to remain at a stable weight. You should also be committed to maintaining a healthy diet and fitness routine. Gaining or loosing weight after a Body Lift can result in more sagging tissues, and eventually the need for an additional procedure. Discuss your lifestyle and future goals with your surgeon, to assure that your expectations for the Body Lift are reasonable.

    2. The Right Time of the Year.

    It is hard not to think about your upcoming Body Lift without dreaming about showing off the new look. But remember, results are not immediate. Swelling and bruising may take weeks to resolve; recovery can mean limited mobility, as well. If there is a certain event or season you want to be ready for, then plan ahead. A Body Lift over the winter will leave you fully recovered just in time for the summer months.

    3. The Right Time in Your Schedule.

    Take your doctor’s suggested recovery time seriously. Everyone heals differently, and it may take even longer for you to feel back to your old self. Be sure that you can take at least two weeks away from work. Heavy lifting should be avoided for four to six weeks, and that means not picking up babies or children. Schedule your surgery when help is available at home, giving you adequate time to heal.

Still need help deciding if and when to get a Body Lift? Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Vitenas for assistance. After a careful physical exam, and a discussion on your aesthetic goals, Dr. Vitenas will explain what can be expected for the procedure. If it is the right time for a Body Lift, a surgical plan will be created, just for you. To get started on your journey, please contact Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery.
